About Us
Huntley 158's Early Childhood Center (ECC) is housed within Chesak Elementary School and occupies a self-contained, secure wing. The school serves approximately 200 students (ages 3-4) who qualify for services based on developmental screening/evaluation under the State’s Preschool For All guidelines. ECC does not have open registration. Related services such as social work, speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, hearing and vision support, orientation and mobility are available for qualifying students.
Classroom programs operate five days a week for 2.5 hours per day. The school offers morning and afternoon sessions daily. Snack is provided in the Preschool for All Children classes and ECSE classes. ECC also houses the District’s Parent Tot Program. The Parent Tot Program is a drop-in center for families of children under the age of 5.
If you are interested in determining if your child qualifies to attend, read more about our enrollment and screening guidelines.
Contact Us
Main Line: (847) 659-5400
Absence Line: (847) 659-5411
Tip Line: (847) 659-INFO (4636)
Office Hours: 7:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Session 1: 7:45 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Session 2: 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
10910 Reed Road (Door 4), Lake in the Hills, IL 60156